Nearly 40 Seniors and Carers had a lovely afternoon of entertainment in Newcastle Community Cinema organised by Newcastle Lions. The afternoon began with an excellent repertoire of songs by the recently formed Mourne Community Choir led by their choir leader Careen Starkey. This was really enjoyed by all those attending as seen by the singing of the audience.
Some social bingo followed led by John Murphy from Ballynahinch Lions and the afternoon ended with a lovely afternoon tea enjoyed by all with Gerry Davies’ cakes being a real highlight.
The occasion was also an ideal one for Newcastle Lions to launch their new service project of Message in a Bottle. This is for over 60’s or those with medical conditions living alone whereby confidential information about a person’s medication and health status can be recorded, placed in a plastic bottle and kept in their fridge. Stickers are then stuck inside their front and back doors so that in a medical emergency first responders can find this vital information quickly. If you or any of your family members would like one of these bottles please contact a Lions member or the Lions facebook site.
The Lions would particularly like to thank Newcastle Community Cinema for the use of their premises and John Murphy Ballynahinch Lions for a super Bingo session.
Audience present at event
Community choir
Notice of event
