In Newcastle there are ten defibrillators located in yellow boxes, that are maintained by the charity Newcastle Lions Club.
An unknown fact is that bar one, every single defibrillator since 2018 has been used on at least one occasion to try or actually save someone's life, and in some cases , during the period of a year, on three different people.
Once the defibrillator has been used, then battery, life saving sticky pads and hygiene pack must be replaced.
To help with this the Lions and T Gem are running a defibrillator awareness and fund raising campaign. On Saturday and Sunday 11th & 12th February at Base Coffee Main Street Newcastle through Charlie Magennis’s support, you can make a donation towards maintaining the defibrillators. The Lions and T Gem will be present to take names and mobile no. if you would like minimal CPR training, to be arranged at a later date . There will be a mannequin on display which is used for CPR training. Also on the 17th March in the Harbour Inn, there will be a pub quiz also in aid of defibrillator funds.

T Gem and Base unite to raise awareness of defibrillator use, in the photograph:
Lions Marian Mc Greevy, Tom Hughes, Linda Edgar TGem, Lion Dan O'Reilly , Paul Tumelty Base Coffee, Jennifer Speers T Gem and Lion Robin Mc Caren and Lion President Liz Murphy.