In 2022 with the Pandemic easing Newcastle Lions are ending the year on a high, but are appealing for help from the community to increase their membership and look for fresh ideas to help those in need. Through the great work of Lion president Liz Murphy, the club are now more transparent , through the club's open meeting Thursday coffee mornings and have been very busy in their community raising funds for charity.
As well as promoting the club in the local papers, Liz will also use social media such as Facebook and Instagram. Having taken donations, 100% will go to a nominated charity , which this year included, The Children's cancer Fund , St Vincent De Paul , The Pantry Food Bank and Women's Aid , donations were also made to Lions International World Appeal for disasters in Pakistan, India and Croatia.
In the field of service activities, the club continues to managed and maintain ten defibrillators that were installed through out the town five years ago and have made international friends through their work in helping school children in Sri Lanka
The club's most successful appeal has been their annual charity recycling appeal in March, when this year they collected eighty five adult bicycles to help people in Madagascar , forty five five sewing machine for Malawi and Tanzania , as well as tools and zimmer frames helping people in the developing world.
The biggest response in the town was for donations of spectacles which was further enhanced when, in August the Newcastle Club began collecting donations of glasses on a quarterly basis from the four recycling centres managed by Belfast City Council. This involved a round trip of 65 miles. In December 1,600 pairs were collected from BCC and added to the Newcastle donations President Liz helped pack glasses in some of the eleven boxes. Since August just over 6,000 pairs of glasses have been collected from BCC by Newcastle Lions . These were despatched to Lions Medico France which is helping those in need . While Newcastle Lions does sterling work, the club needs more new members, asking for a commitment of two hours in a month appealing through the local papers and contacting the club through our Facebook Page Newcastle Lions (County Down) or email

Newcastle Lions President Liz Murphy helps pack the last of eleven boxes of spectacles bound for Lions France.