Photograph, Newcastle Lions members, Virginia Hughes, President Liz Murphy and Marian McGreevy present a cheque for the Lions International Turkey /Syria Appeal for £1,250.00 to Past Lion District governor Bernard Black .

Having earlier organised a weekend on 11th & 12th February, of fund raising and defibrillator awareness at Base Coffee, through the generous help of owner Charlie Magennis, Newcastle Lions and T Gem defib guardians had to quickly alter their agenda with the terrible news of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Over the week end, the public very generously donated £1,128.15 to the Lions T Gem appeal.
Today the death toll has reached more than 38,000 people with a huge population homeless and in severe winter conditions.
Already many Lions Clubs in Ireland have made generous donations to the Lions District Treasurer. This has now been added to by Newcastle Lions who have donated £1,250.00 in response to the appeal on Monday last. Since last week, the Lions Club International Foundation has already donated $200,000 through their Major Catastrophe Funds. With the recent donations ,more funds will now follow.