At a recent meeting of Newcastle Lions the President Liz Murphy thanked the Maghera Inn and Irelands Electric for maintaining the defibrillators at their premises. The Lions maintain 8 other defibrillators in the Newcastle and Castlewellan area. During the evening Stephanie Leckey from the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service thanked the Lions for looking after the defibrillators meticulously and then showed a training video on how to use a defibrillator and afterwards answered questions from the members. She emphasised the need to begin doing CPR if there is not normally breathing detected of two breathes in 10 seconds and then if assistance is present, ring 999 and they will give details of the nearest defibrillator and begin to use. Anyone can use it as there are full instructions as soon as it is opened. The machine will advise if shocking is required. Occasionally this might not occur if it is not needed. The only requirement is that the skin is dry and free from hair so that the pads can adhere properly. The enclosed kit assists with this. She outlined how successful the combined use of CPR and use of a defibrillator can be in saving life. The video is available for all to watch so please go to Newcastle Lions Facebook site, Newcastle County Down Lions.
During a recent visit by a few Lions when they learnt of the activities of the RNLI Lion Terry O'Reilly presented a cheque for £200 to Shane Rice. This will be followed up by a presentation by members of the local RNLI at the members meeting on 12th December 2023

Photo from L to R Shane Rice RNLI, Thomas Ireland, Newcastle Lions President Liz Murphy, Oran Flannagan, Stephanie Leckey, Simon Fell both NIA
