Newcastle Lions Club, Co.Down were thrilled to welcome District Governor Gerald Cashman and his wife Mary to help the club promote World Disability Day 3.12.22. Over a very busy weekend DG Gerald was able to meet with Lions from zone B on Friday night and on Saturday joined with members of Tourette's Support NI who had travelled from Magherafelt and Killyleagh to help promote awareness of Tourette's Syndrome, through the publication of the book by the Tourette's diary by ten year Lucy -Marie Phillip's. I can't make it stop.
On Friday evening in the Burrendale Hotel there was a mixture of work, food and beauty. Guests including DG's wife Mary went to a Clarin's beauty products presentation in the hotel. At the same time before meeting individually with clubs, DG Gerald presented long service pins to numerous members including one for 50 years' service to Downpatrick's Lion President Hugh Kelly. Lions from Downpatrick, Armagh, Newry, Ballynahinch and Newcastle were then split by clubs and DG Gerald was then allocated ten minutes to meet and talk to each club, encouraging all to increase membership and charitable donations. In a round robin approach, while the DG spoke to one club, the other clubs had a ten-minute information session with Laurence Mc Alindin from the Shimna Stars Special Olympic basketball team Newcastle, Emma Chestnutt, Sri Lanka Lions, Dan O'Reilly Recyling spectacles. On a very cold Saturday morning DG Gerald and Mary went to Newcastle's library to join with lions and guests to listen to the TSNI members speak about how Tourette's Syndrome affects the whole family. Copies of Lucy-Marie Phillips book were distributed to the public present and will also be forwarded to school libraries by Newcastle Lions Club. Lastly Newcastle Lions would also like to thank Lions Marian and Frank Mc Greevy for their offer of hospitality and hard work for making the week end possible.
District Governor Gerald Cashman with Tilly Hudson

District Governor Gerald Cashman with Tilly Hudson highlighting the Tourette's diary of Lucy-Marie Phillips, zone B Marian Mc Greevy, Tourette's Support NI members Orlagh Curran, Tilly Hudson with mum Katie Morter, DG Gerald, Newcastle Lion president Liz Murphy and TSNI member Brian McCallion.
