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Foodbanks at Christmas.

Newcastle Lions

Newcastle Lions join with Armagh and Down Lions to help Foodbanks at Christmas.

This year with all Lion Clubs finding fund raising difficult, Newcastle Lions Club has joined with Lions in Armagh, Ballynahinch ,Banbridge, Downpaptrick and Newry to combine their efforts to raise much needed funds for all the food banks in each of the towns. At the end of the fund raising on the 12.12.21 , all money donated will be split equally 6 ways for the foodbanks.

The Lions will dig deep in their own pockets having arranged a 5k sponsored walk for the 6 presidents and a raffle. They will also take part in a zoom night at the races.

The fund raising has been very well supported by the local press and the public are encouraged to help the fund raising by donating through, and click the donate button. Remember 100% of your donation will be helping all the foodbanks in the 6 towns.




Affiliated by the Lions Club International under

District 133.

The Lions Club of Newcastle, County Down

was sponsored by the Lions Club of Downpatrick and Chartered on the 7th December 1984.

Charter Club Office Bearers were:

President: Peter Barr

Secretary: John Miller

Treasurer: Peter May

Current Club Officers:

President: John McDonagh

Vise President: Terry O'Reilly

Secretary: Frank McGreevy

Treasurer: Virginia Hughes

PRO: Beth Cairnduff

Vice District Governor LCD-133: Marian McGreevy


Newcastle County Down Lions 


You may also find more information about the Alexandrite Club, Sri Lanka at

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