Newcastle Lions are having an afternoon of entertainment and tea on Saturday 11th May 2024 between 2.30 – 4.45pm for Seniors and Carers. This will take place in the Newcastle Community Cinema (NCC) St Mary’s Hall Main Street Newcastle. Entertainment will be provided by the Newcastle Community Choir and will be followed by Bingo and afternoon tea. There are still a few spaces left for the event but if you or anyone you know is interested please contact Marion McGreevy immediately on This is one of the Newcastle Lions service projects for the current year.
Another is the Message in a Bottle for over 60’s or those with medical conditions living alone whereby confidential information about a person’s medication and health status can be recorded, placed in a plastic bottle and kept in their fridge. Stickers are then stuck inside their front and back doors so that in a medical emergency first responders can find this vital information quickly. This scheme is being rolled out in the local community via various agencies.
In addition the Lions will be holding a street collection in Newcastle on Saturday 18th May 2024 to raise funds to support all the charities they help including supporting their 10 local defibrillators, Daisy Lodge MYMY etc. Please give generously if you see the collectors. Â