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We meet in Burrendale Hotel and SPA every second Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm. Coffee Morning every last Thursday of the month at 11am in different venues agreed at the regular monthly meeting.


On  Saturday last, users of the  Mourne  Archery Centre were upset to learn that a visitor to the  Centre had taken ill and that a defibrillator was required. The nearest defibrillator was at the  Maghera  Inn located beside the  Centre. This was then used to help the gentleman, but the Lions are unaware of his condition since. The defibrillator is one of ten managed and maintained by  Newcastle Lions  Club. When the club were advised by the  Circuit/ British Heart  Foundation , they inspected the defibrillator and realised that new sticky pads, battery and a hygiene pack were required. These were ordered and the parts fitted on  Wednesday. The defibrillator is now again emergency available.


For the  Lions the bill of  £130.00 would have to be met, but thankfully due to the generosity of Ms Katey  Cunningham, manger of the  Mourne  Archery Centre, she advised the Lions that she would pay the bill of  £130.00. The Lions are grateful for her generosity as the club would have to fund raise to meet this. The  Mourne  Archery  centre located on the  Carnacaville Road  is  open to all ages and parties, from  single shooters to group events with instructors who will guide learners through the ropes with a foremost emphasis on health and safety before sports people are let loose to practice hitting the bullseye. The aim of the game is to enjoy yourself.

Photo  Newcastle Lions  Dan O'Reilly thanks  Katey  Cunningham of  MAC for donation of  £130.00


Nearly 40 Seniors and Carers had a lovely afternoon of entertainment in Newcastle  Community Cinema organised by Newcastle Lions. The afternoon began with an excellent repertoire of songs by the recently formed Mourne Community Choir led by their choir leader Careen Starkey. This was really enjoyed by all those attending as seen by the singing of the audience.

Some social bingo followed led by John Murphy from Ballynahinch Lions and the afternoon ended with a lovely afternoon tea enjoyed by all with Gerry Davies’ cakes being a real highlight.

The occasion was also an ideal one for Newcastle Lions to launch their new service project of Message in a Bottle. This is for over 60’s or those with medical conditions living alone whereby confidential information about a person’s medication and health status can be recorded, placed in a plastic bottle and kept in their fridge. Stickers are then stuck inside their front and back doors so that in a medical emergency first responders can find this vital information quickly. If you or any of your family members would like one of these bottles please contact a Lions member or the Lions facebook site.

The Lions would particularly like to thank Newcastle Community Cinema for the use of their premises and John Murphy Ballynahinch Lions for a super Bingo session.


Audience present at event

Community choir

Notice of event


On Saturday 18th  May, Newcastle Lions Club will hold their annual street collection in aid of the building fund for Mourne  Mountain Rescue. Mourne  Mountain  Rescue became the first  mountain rescue team in  Ireland when they were started in  1962. They are currently based  at the  PSNI  station in  Newcastle but the hope is they will soon be able to begin building their new base  to be located at  Shanslieve  Drive/ Bryansford  Road at the foot of the  Mournes. In 2021 the team had thirty six members who are on call 24 hours each day ,they responded to 100 call outs and helped 130 people. They are 100% voluntary and work with the NIAS /Hart  paramedics, PSNI, Coast Guard and the Irish Coast Guard. Newcastle Lions Club President  Liz  Murphy met up with  VDG Marian  Mc Greevy and  MMRT Harry  Teggarty to discuss the collection , she hopes it will be a great success and asks the public to give their support.

Photo, Newcastle Lions President Liz Murphy with  VDG Marian  Mc Greevy and MMRT  Harry  Teggarty discuss the collection



Affiliated by the Lions Club International under

District 133.


The Lions Club of Newcastle, County Down

was sponsored by the Lions Club of Downpatrick and Chartered on the 7th December 1984.


Charter Club Office Bearers were:

President: Peter Barr

Secretary: John Miller

Treasurer: Peter May


Current Club Officers:

President: John McDonagh

Vise President: Terry O'Reilly

Secretary: Frank McGreevy

Treasurer: Virginia Hughes

PRO: Beth Cairnduff​


Vice District Governor LCD-133: Marian McGreevy


Newcastle County Down Lions 




You may also find more information about the Alexandrite Club, Sri Lanka at

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