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We meet in Burrendale Hotel and SPA every second Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm. Coffee Morning every last Thursday of the month at 11am in different venues agreed at the regular monthly meeting.


Four weeks ago after a successful appeal for donations to purchase very expensive replacement batteries and electrode placement pads for five defibrillators, Newcastle Lions replaced these packs to defibrillators in Castlwellan and Newcastle.

On Tuesday, Newcastle Lions members were surprised to learn that in the previous hours one of the defibrillators managed by them, had been used in an incident to help someone in need. As shown in the photograph, the defibrillator was used.

The surprising thing was that this was the fourth defibrillator from a different location each time, that had been removed from its cabinet in the last ten days and taken to an incident. Thankfully in the case of the previous three, the defibrillators were not used and were returned to their cabinets.

In managing the ten defibrillators in Newcastle and Castlewellan, as a volunteer Newcastle Lion guardians , have to inspect each of the defibrillators on a regular basis. In doing this, they contact the Circuit / British Heart Foundation by email and confirm the defibrillator is emergency ready , the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service are also then made aware. In the case of the defibrillator that was used on Tuesday 12th April , the guardian had to order a new battery/pad pack. Newcastle Lions while highlighting this work in local papers also asked if you would like to make a donation towards the cost of maintaining the defibrillators you can visit and click on the donate button . Newcastle lions are also glad to recruit new members whose work can include helping to manage the defibrillators. Details about Newcastle Lions are on their Facebook page Newcastle Lions ( County Down) or email

Photo 1 - Defibrillator guardians Newcastle Lions Dan O'Reilly and Tom Hughes install a new battery/electrode placement to a defibrillator.

photo2 - The used Newcastle defibrillator which then had to have a new battery and electrode placement renewed.

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Newcastle Lions Club are also making an urgent appeal for financial help towards the cost of replacing the batteries in five defibrillators located in Newcastle. The battery in each of the on street defibrillator costs approx £100.00 to replace . Newcastle Lions manage ten defibrillators , this involves making regular inspections of the ten and following up, after call outs by the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, if the defibrillator has been used. As part of the management the Lions must have a planned programme in place to replace the battery in five of the ten during 2022.

On Saturday 12th March Newcastle Lions Club will be collecting , used tools, bicycles ,sewing machines and used glasses. As part of the preparation for the collection, opticians and the local library in Newcastle are receiving donations of used glasses on behalf of the Lions Club. All the items collected with then be delivered to Tools for Solidarity and the Belfast based Bike Aid Africa.

Photo Lion President Liz Murphy receives a donation from Base Coffee Shop owner Charlie Magennis.

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Inspite of Covid restrictions, Newcastle Lions Club were very pleased to end 2021 with a very successful Christmas Appeal for the Pantry Foodbank Newcastle.

In preparing to organise a spectacles collection the Lions Club became aware of an urgent need of a charity that the club had helped previously . In response, Newcastle Lions will now be organising a collection in early March.

Previous in March 2020 in the week before lockdown the Lions collected tools including sewing machines for the Downpatrick branch of Tools for Solidarity . This group is today in urgent need of unwanted sewing machines. It does not matter if it it is a Singer, Janome, Ptaff or Bernina all are gratefully received.

In a first for Newcastle Lions in March the club are also asking for donations of adult bicycles. The bicycles will be delivered to the Belfast based charity Bike Aid Africa. The bicycles will be repaired and then shipped by the charity to one of the poorest countries in Africa, Madagascar.

If you have difficulty in delivering the sewing machine when the Lions are collecting in March please contact the Lions on 07725725932

Photograph: Newcastle Lions Club President Liz Murphy and Lion Tom Hughes. prepare for the collections.

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