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We meet in Burrendale Hotel and SPA every second Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm. Coffee Morning every last Thursday of the month at 11am in different venues agreed at the regular monthly meeting.


Recently, Newcastle Lions promoted World Disability Day. This day is an opportunity for each of us to stop and think about our family members; neighbours, or friends who could be blind or have a physical or a mental disability. It also presents us with the opportunity to raise awareness of conditions that we may have been previously unaware of. Neurodiverse Needs is such a condition.

For the parents of children who have Neurodiverse Needs, such as Tourette’s Syndrome, they face the challenge of helping their child, and trying to cope with social misunderstandings around the condition. Another word for this issue is Tics. Tics are sudden non-rhythmic repetitive movements or vocalizations. Tics are not purposeful and are generally experienced as involuntary.

The issue of Tics and Tourette's Syndrome was investigated previously in a programme on Channel 4 by Scarlett Moffat and was also highlighted by BBC on their morning news programme when they interviewed a ten-year-old child, Lucy Marie Phillips from Wales. Lucy produced a book I can't make it stop, my diary on living with Tourette's Syndrome. In looking for a way to highlight World Disability Day and raise awareness of Tourette’s Syndrome, Newcastle Lions Club will distribute free copies of this book to local schools.

The book was reviewed by local teachers who felt it was suitable and an appropriate way to raise awareness among children. The Lion’s Cub approached Super Valu Newcastle regarding funding and asked would the Musgrave Group sponsor the purchase of fifty copies of the book.

Through the help and support of Super Valu's manager Gareth Grew, the club were successful, and invitations are being sent to the SEN teachers at all local schools to come to the Newcastle Library on Saturday 3rd December. An invitation was also extended to the Northern Ireland support group, Tourette's Support NI (TSNI), to come to Newcastle and talk to the SEN teachers who will receive a copy of the book for their school library. In talking to the support group, one of their goals is to raise awareness in both primary and post primary schools of how children and teachers react to a child who experiences Tics in the classroom. Through the support group's Facebook page, Tourette's Support NI, their message can be summed up in one sentence from the Facebook, reassure them that it's ok.

Lions John Mc Donagh, Jeanine Knight, with Marion Crawford Super Valu, Lion President Liz Murphy receiving a cheque for £400.00 from Super Valu's manager Gareth Grew and Lion Dan O'Reilly


Newcastle Lions Club, Co.Down were thrilled to welcome District Governor Gerald Cashman and his wife Mary to help the club promote World Disability Day 3.12.22. Over a very busy weekend DG Gerald was able to meet with Lions from zone B on Friday night and on Saturday joined with members of Tourette's Support NI who had travelled from Magherafelt and Killyleagh to help promote awareness of Tourette's Syndrome, through the publication of the book by the Tourette's diary by ten year Lucy -Marie Phillip's. I can't make it stop.

On Friday evening in the Burrendale Hotel there was a mixture of work, food and beauty. Guests including DG's wife Mary went to a Clarin's beauty products presentation in the hotel. At the same time before meeting individually with clubs, DG Gerald presented long service pins to numerous members including one for 50 years' service to Downpatrick's Lion President Hugh Kelly. Lions from Downpatrick, Armagh, Newry, Ballynahinch and Newcastle were then split by clubs and DG Gerald was then allocated ten minutes to meet and talk to each club, encouraging all to increase membership and charitable donations. In a round robin approach, while the DG spoke to one club, the other clubs had a ten-minute information session with Laurence Mc Alindin from the Shimna Stars Special Olympic basketball team Newcastle, Emma Chestnutt, Sri Lanka Lions, Dan O'Reilly Recyling spectacles. On a very cold Saturday morning DG Gerald and Mary went to Newcastle's library to join with lions and guests to listen to the TSNI members speak about how Tourette's Syndrome affects the whole family. Copies of Lucy-Marie Phillips book were distributed to the public present and will also be forwarded to school libraries by Newcastle Lions Club. Lastly Newcastle Lions would also like to thank Lions Marian and Frank Mc Greevy for their offer of hospitality and hard work for making the week end possible.

District Governor Gerald Cashman with Tilly Hudson

District Governor Gerald Cashman with Tilly Hudson highlighting the Tourette's diary of Lucy-Marie Phillips, zone B Marian Mc Greevy, Tourette's Support NI members Orlagh Curran, Tilly Hudson with mum Katie Morter, DG Gerald, Newcastle Lion president Liz Murphy and TSNI member Brian McCallion.


Each year Newcastle Lions Club promote an International Peace Poster event. Numerous schools in the lion's catchment area take part. This year through the great work of Lion Emma Chestnutt, County Down school children had the opportunity to be aware of the artwork of the children of Colombo Sri Lanka, who also entered the international peace poster event. In Sri Lanka the school children joined the Principal of Gnanodya school and school children with teachers to award Adithya Senarathne with her LCI award certificate and gifts. These included Rs: 4000/- gift vouchers, Rs:3000/- cash and exercise books. Following the presentation, the school children were given a brief introduction to Lions Club International.

In County Down following the judging of the entries, schools were visited by the Newcastle Lions and prizes awarded. The children in all the schools were only then made aware of the difficulties the children in Sri Lanka faced.

While the children in some of Sri Lanka's schools had wanted to enter the poster event, due to a shortage of paper and colouring pencils or paint it was impossible. After some sterling work by Emma, who reported the difficulties to the Lions and the Wee Charity Shop Newcastle, and as a result of this, Emma was thrilled to accompany Lion Brendan Downey to collect a donation of £2000.00 to Newcastle Lions Club. With the donation Emma was able to provide paper and colouring facilities to an orphanage, also school children in Gnanandya School, Shasthranada MV, Payagala Schools. The remainder of the donation will support all the children in their education and other sustainable projects in Sri Lanka. In December the donation to the Colombo schools will be further enhanced when Newcastle Lions will host a pub quiz in the Harbour Inn on Friday 16th Dec at 9.00 pm.

Lions Brendan Downey and Emma Chestnutt, receive a cheque for £2000.00 from volunteers at the wee Charity Shop (not for printing, staff prefer to be unnamed)

Lions Club Colombo Alexandrite President Prash Barnes with Gnanandya principal Mr K KSamantha , winning peace poster student Adithya Senarathne, Lion Kanis Jurampathy and Lion Muthu Ekanayake



Affiliated by the Lions Club International under

District 133.


The Lions Club of Newcastle, County Down

was sponsored by the Lions Club of Downpatrick and Chartered on the 7th December 1984.


Charter Club Office Bearers were:

President: Peter Barr

Secretary: John Miller

Treasurer: Peter May


Current Club Officers:

President: John McDonagh

Vise President: Terry O'Reilly

Secretary: Frank McGreevy

Treasurer: Virginia Hughes

PRO: Beth Cairnduff​


Vice District Governor LCD-133: Marian McGreevy


Newcastle County Down Lions 




You may also find more information about the Alexandrite Club, Sri Lanka at

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