In trying to highlight the issue of childhood cancer during the month of September, Newcastle Lions Club are thrilled with the level of support their project has been receiving. This has included sponsorship from , CHP Mechanical Services Ltd, Dundrum. The main event the club are promoting is on Saturday 23rd September at 10.30 am there is a Daisy Dander in aid of Daisy Lodge, starting at the cone of light along the promenade.
The walk is a short walk but a colourful one with the promenade being decorated with flower theme artwork by Creative Village Dundrum. For children there is face painting courtesy of the Art Factory Seaforde, with a donations to Daisy Lodge. The month will end with a coffee morning on Friday 29th September starting at 10.30 until noon at Scopers Restaurant Dundrum ,where Paul and Jenny Cunningham are giving all takings to the Daisy Lodge Appeal.
Photo: Paul and Jenny Cunningham of Scopers restaurant Dundrum with Lion coordinator Marian McGreevy